[Math] Alternatives to arxiv


I am an amateur mathematician (but I do have degree's in computer science (with mathematics)). Anyways, I have written this paper, where I have proved that for $\zeta(\rho) = 0$ if $\Im(\rho) \to \infty$ then $\Re(\rho) \leq \log_2(3) – 1$.

Now this is a big claim, and I am a cranky fella 😉 who has a number of withdrawn papers on arxiv. So, chances of me being taken seriously $\to 0$ even though I do put my sweat in for checking any paper I write, before releasing it.

So, the problem is how do I get my paper discussed and verified, before I put it on arxiv (cause I do not want to withdraw it again) and also I do not know any local mathematician working on analytic number theory.
So here's my question:

Before posting on arxiv are there any
other avenues through which I can get
my paper checked (on the internet)?

Best Answer

There are other places to post papers, but most are either harder to get into (most online journals) or are less reputable than the arXiv (like viXra). Finding math forums and posting there may be your best bet.

to name just a few.

On this specific point:

Your result seems wrong. Aren't there vertical asymptotes and, in particular, values unbounded above for $\Re(\zeta(x+iy))$ for any fixed $y$?

If you have (or think you have) an effective proof, can you give bounds Y and Z > 0 where, for any $y>Y$, $\Re(\zeta(x+iy)) < Z$?