[Math] Alternative proof about the order of the alternating group


It is known that the order of the alternating group $A_n$ of order $n$ is $\frac{n!}{2}$. In Herstein's Abstract Algebra, it is proved by the First Homomorphism Theorem. I tried to find an alternative proof which needs not using the group homomorphism. I think the following rules may be helpful:

  1. The product of two even permutations is even.
  2. The product of two odd permutations is even.
  3. The product of an even permutation by an odd one (or of an odd one
    by an even one) is odd.

Intuitively, since the product of an odd(resp. even) permutation and a 1-cycle is even(resp. odd), a half of all the permutations should be even. Then we get $\frac{n!}{2}$.

What's more, the theorem mentioned in this question may be related. I don't know if one can turn the argument above into a proof. So here is my question:

Does anybody know other proofs about the order of $A_n$?

Best Answer

Let $\text{Odd}_n$ denote the set of odd permutations in $S_n$. Fix an element $\alpha \in \text{Odd}_n$, and define a function $f\colon A_n \to \text{Odd}_n$ by $$ f(\sigma) \;=\; \alpha\sigma. $$ I claim that $f$ is a bijection.

To prove that $f$ is one-to-one, suppose that $f(\sigma) = f(\sigma')$ for some $\sigma,\sigma' \in A_n$. Then $\alpha\sigma = \alpha\sigma'$, and therefore $\sigma=\sigma'$.

To prove that $f$ is onto, let $\beta \in \text{Odd}_n$. Then $\alpha^{-1}\beta$ is an even permutation and $f(\alpha^{-1}\beta) = \beta$, which proves that $f$ is onto.

We conclude that $|A_n| = |\text{Odd}_n|$, and therefore $|A_n| = |S_n|/2$.