[Math] Alternative construction of Direct Limit


The construction of the direct limit that I learned from Atiyah Macdonald is the following: Suppose we have a directed system $(M_i,\mu_{ij})$ of $A$ – modules and $A$ – module homomorphims over a directed set $I$. Let $D$ be the submodule generated by elements of the form $x_i – \mu_{ij}(x_i)$. Then

$$\varinjlim M_i \stackrel{\text{def}}{\equiv} \bigoplus_{i\in I} M_i/ D.$$

Now I am trying to see how this is equivalent to the wikipedia definition given here. In particular, what I don't understand about the wikipedia definition is that the equivalence relation $\sim$ defined there is between individual elements, e.g. say whether $x_i \sim x_j$. How does one "extend this linearly" to an equivalence relation on $\bigsqcup M_i$ which is the set of all sums $\sum_{i \in I}x_i$ where $x_i \in M_i$ and all but finitely many $x_i$ are zero?

Best Answer

Here's how I would present the construction given in Wikipedia.

Suppose $(M_i,\mu_{ij})$ is a directed system of modules. We begin by taking a disjoint union of the underlying sets of the $M_i$; in order to "keep them disjoint", the usual method is to "paint" each set with its index $i$ to ensure that if $i\neq j$, then the sets are disjoint. That is, we consider the set $$\mathcal{M} = \bigcup_{i\in I}(M_i\times\{i\}).$$ The elements of $\mathcal{M}$ are pairs of the form $(x,i)$, where $i\in I$ and $x\in M_i$.

Note that $\mathcal{M}$ is not a module, at least not one with any natural structure: the operations we have on hand (the ones for the different $M_i$) are not defined on all of $\mathcal{M}$, they are only defined on proper subsets of $\mathcal{M}$.

We now define an equivalence relation on $\mathcal{M}$ as follows: $(x,i)\sim(y,j)$ if and only if there exists $k\in I$, $i,j\leq k$ such that $\mu_{ik}(x) = \mu_{jk}(y)$ in $M_k$. It is not hard to verify that this is an equivalence relation.

Let $\mathbf{M}$ be the set $\mathcal{M}/\sim$. Denote the equivalence class of $(x,i)$ by $[x,i]$.

We now define a module structure on $\mathbf{M}$: we define a sum on classes by the rule $$ [x,i] + [y,j] = [\mu_{ik}(x)+\mu_{jk}(y),k]$$ where $k$ is any element of $I$ such that $i,j\leq k$. One needs to prove that this is well defined and does not depend on the choice of the $k$. Suppose first that $k'$ is some other element with $i,j\leq k'$. Let $\ell$ be an index with $k,k'\leq \ell$; then $$\begin{align*} \mu_{i\ell}(x) + \mu_{j\ell}(y) &= \mu_{k\ell}(\mu_{ik}(x))+\mu_{k\ell}(\mu_{jk}(y))\\ &= \mu_{k\ell}(\mu_{ik}(x) + \mu_{jk}(y)). \end{align*}$$ Therefore, $[\mu_{ik}(x)+\mu_{jk}(y),k] = [\mu_{i\ell}(x)+\mu_{j\ell}(y),\ell]$. By a symmetric argument, we also have $$[\mu_{ik'}x) + \mu_{jk'}(y),k'] = [\mu_{i\ell}(x) + \mu_{j\ell}(y),\ell],$$ so the definition does not depend on the choice of $\ell$.

To show it does not depend on the representative either, suppose $[x,i]=[x',i']$ and $[y,j]=[y',j']$. There exists $m$, $i,i'\leq m$ with $\mu_{im}(x)=\mu_{i'm}(x')$, and there exists $n$, $j,j'\leq n$, with $\mu_{jn}(y)=\mu_{j'n}(y')$. Pick $k$ with $m,n\leq k$. Then $$\begin{align*} [x,i]+[y,j] &= [\mu_{ik}(x)+\mu_{jk}(y),k]\\ &= [\mu_{mk}(\mu_{im}(x)) + \mu_{nk}(\mu_{jn}(y)),k]\\ &= [\mu_{mk}(\mu_{i'm}(x')) + \mu_{nk}(\mu_{j'n}(y')),k]\\ &= [\mu_{i'k}(x') + \mu_{j'k}(y'),k]\\ &= [x',i'] + [y',j'], \end{align*}$$ so the operation is well-defined.

It is now easy to verify that $+$ is associative and commutative, $[0,i]$ is an identity (for any $i$) and that $[-x,i]$ is an inverse for $[x,i]$, so this operation turns $\mathbf{M}$ into an abelian group.

We then define a scalar multiplication as follows: given $r\in R$ and $[x,i]\in\mathbf{M}$, we let $r[x,i] = [rx,i]$. Again, one needs to show that this is well-defined (easier than the proof above), and verify that it satisfies the relevant axioms (not hard) to show that this endows $\mathbf{M}$ with the structure of a left $R$-module.

Now note that the maps $\mu_i\colon M_i\to \mathbf{M}$ given by $\mu_i(x) = [x,i]$ is a module homomorphism. The module $\mathbf{M}$ together with the maps $\mu_i$ are a direct limit of the system.

(The same construction works for Groups, Rings, etc).

There is no "linear extension" of the equivalence relation. Rather, we define an operation on $\mathcal{M}/\sim$, since $\mathcal{M}$ (being a disjoint union of the underlying set of the original modules) is not a module itself: it does not even have a total operation defined on it, just a bunch of partial operations.