[Math] Alternate inner products on Euclidean space

inner-productslinear algebra

After reading about inner products as a generalization of the dot product, I was hoping to be able to prove that the dot product is in some sense the unique inner product in Euclidean space (e.g., up to constant scaling).

But it seems that there are a whole bunch of alternative inner products in $\mathbb{R}^2$ with nonzero cross-terms between basis vectors, for example, $\langle (a, b)^\intercal, (x, y)^\intercal \rangle = ax + by + 0.5(ay + bx)$. Unless I've made a mistake, this satisfies symmetry, linearity, and positive-definiteness.

Is there a sense in which the dot product is the canonical inner product on Euclidean space? Or do we just pick it because the implied norm matches our notion of distance?

Best Answer

Any inner product is dot product in some basis. For example, your inner product is standard dot product written in basis $\left(e_1, \frac{1}{2}e_1 + \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}e_2\right)$.