[Math] Almost sure convergence of stochastic process

probability theorystochastic-calculusstochastic-processes

Suppose that we have a (almost surely) continuous stochastic process
$\{ X_{t} \}_{t \geq 0}$ on $[0,1]$ with non-stochastic initial value
$X_{0} = x_{0} \in [0,1]$ and exponentially decreasing expectation
$E(X_{t}) = x_{0} e^{-\gamma t}$, where $\gamma > 0$.

For the corresponding discrete-time process $\{ X_{n} \}_{n =
0}^{\infty}$, an application of the Markov inequality and the
Borel–Cantelli lemma shows that $\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} X_{n} =
0$ almost surely. Is the same true for the continuous-time process
$\{ X_{t} \}$, i.e. do we have $\lim_{t \rightarrow \infty} X_{t} = 0$
almost surely?

Originally, the process $\{ X_{t} \}$ is the (almost surely) unique,
continuous, and Markovian solution of the Ito stochastic differential
dX_{t} = -\gamma X_{t} dt + k \sqrt{\gamma} \sqrt{X_{t}^{3}(1-X_{t})}dW_{t}, \ X_{0} = x_{0} \in [0,1]
where $k > 0$ and $W_{t}$ is a Brownian motion. Does this ensure the almost sure convergence towards $0$?

Best Answer

By applying Ito's formulq we get $e^{\gamma t}X_t$ is a local martingale, so it is a supermartingale for it is positive, and so it is for $X_t$. Then by some classical argument(for example an exercise in Chapter 1 of Brownian motion and stochastic calculus) we know any positive supermartingale converge almost surely. Denote its limit by $X_{\infty}\geq 0$, Fatou's lemma gives


which allows to show $X_{\infty}=0$ a.s.

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