[Math] Allocation optimization problem

algorithmsnumerical optimizationoptimizationproblem solving

Imagine that I have $1$ million dollars which I want to invest. I have a set of $N$ elements in which I can put the money and obtain a revenue. Each element has a function that determines how much money I have earn based on the invested money on that item.

For example: if I put $\$1000$, I get $\$1200$, if I put $\$2000$, I get $\$3000$.

With more money, there is always more return. Each element has its own different function.

So the question is what algorithm/strategy can I use to allocate the money in order to find the best return of investment?

Best Answer

Formally, indicating with $f_i$ the return function for the element $i \in N$, with $x_i$ the quantity allocated to $i$, and with $C$ your capital (i.e. 1 million) you have to solve the following problem:

$$\max \sum_{i=1}^N f_i(x_i) \;\;s.t.$$

$$\sum_{i=1}^N x_i = C$$

If you know the $f_i$ then you can try to use the Lagrange multipliers method (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrange_multiplier).

If otherwise the $f_i$ are unknown analytically (for example, the return is given by the result of a simulation), then you may look for heuristics (i.e. genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, or some kind of descent algorithms).

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