[Math] All Combinations Of Pairs


A dance class consists of 22 students, of which 10
are women and 12 are men. If 5 men and 5 women
are to be chosen and then paired off, how many
results are possible?

First there are 5 people to be chosen from each group so it is $12 \choose 5$$\cdot$$10 \choose 5$$=2970$ now it is like the handshake problem?
but because there are 2 group it first need to be divided in two, so it is $\frac{1485*1484}{2}=1101870$?

Best Answer

After the people are chosen, line up the men in order of student number, or weight. Then any permutation of the chosen women determines a possible result, and distinct permutations give distinct results.

So for the number of possible results we multiply $\binom{10}{5}\binom{12}{5}$ by $5!$.