[Math] All about frontier (boundary) in topological space


In Engelking (theorem 1.3.2 p.24) and Choquet (prop 6.6 p.17 and exercice 17 p.112), there are several facts about frontier (or boundary) in topological spaces, but I can't find counter-examples simple but not too trivial to some counter-intuitive results.
I guess it is because reasonning in the plane is too specific (metric space and separation…).

Let $X$ denoted a topological space. For instance, one surprising property is: $\bar{A}\backslash A \subset fr(A)$ without equality in general. A counter-example in $X=\mathbb{R}$ is $A=\mathbb{Q}$ ($\bar{\mathbb{Q}}\backslash \mathbb{Q}= \mathbb{R}\backslash \mathbb{Q}\varsubsetneq fr(\mathbb{Q})=\mathbb{R}$).

Other surprising fact is : $fr(\bar{A})\subset fr(A)$ without equality in general. (Same counter-example.)

In general, examples one can easily find involve dense subsets. For instance, a ball (open, closed, or neither the first nor the second) in the plane satisfies the equality of the inclusion above. I just can see it by calculating the sets, but what I want is to understand why it works in some case and not in others…

Can you help me, please ?
Is there explicit or exhaustive literature about that ?

Best Answer

In a topological space, $fr(A)=\bar{A}\backslash A$ if and only if $A$ is open.

Proof :

We define $fr(A)$ to be $\bar{A}\backslash int(A)$ where $int(A)$ is the interior of $A$ (the biggest open set contained in $A$). Hence we have $fr(A)=\bar{A}\backslash A$ if and only if $\bar{A}\backslash A=\bar{A}\backslash int(A)$.

By set-theoretic argument (using the fact that both $A$ and $int(A)$ are contained in $\bar{A}$) this happens if and only if $A=int(A)$. This happens if and only if $A$ is open (if $A$ is open then $A$ is the biggest open set contained in $A$, and if $A=int(A)$ then in particular $A$ is open).

Now $fr(\bar{A})=\bar{\bar{A}}\backslash int(\bar{A})=\bar{A}\backslash int(\bar{A})$ and $fr(A)=\bar{A}\backslash int(A)$. So both are equal if and only if $int(\bar{A})=int(A)$. I don't think there is a better caracterization of those last sets.

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