[Math] Algorithms to compute the class number

number theory

Let the class number $h(d)$ denote the number of distinct binary quadratic forms with discriminant $d < 0$.

Is there a better algorithm for $h$ than brute force?

To be precise, by brute force I meant to generate enough forms to completely cover the space and then reducing them down to see how many equivalence classes there are.

Best Answer

Yes, there are algorithms that are much better than brute force. For example, see section 5.4 in Henri Cohen's book "A course in computational algebraic number theory" for Shanks's baby-step giant-step algorithm $O(|D|^{1/4+\epsilon})$ - which is practical for negative discriminants $D$ up to 25 digits or more and, further, McCurley's sub-exponential algorithm (including Atkin's variant) which is $O(L(|D|)^\alpha)$ for $\alpha = \sqrt 2 \;$ or perhaps even $\alpha = \sqrt{9/8},$ where $\; L(x) = e^{\sqrt {\ln x \ln\ln x}}$. This can handle $D$ up to 50 digits or more (nowadays, with various improvements, probably around 80 digits or more - the prior numbers are quoted from the 1993 edition of Cohen's book - currently the bible for computational algebraic number theory).

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