[Math] Algebraic objects associated with topological spaces.


In Algebraic topology we use tools from abstract algebra: we ask question like "when are two spaces not homeomorphic?" by associating algebraic objects to them.

For example, the fundamental group of a topological space.

Let's go one step further and increase the number of binary operations from one to two, such as with rings. So I am curious whether there are other algebraic objects with two binary operations associated to topological spaces. Basically I am curious to know whether rings and fields are also associated to topological spaces, or is it just a vague question to ask?

Best Answer

Yes, there are such structures, e.g. a cohomology ring:


Actually they are quite important. For example by analysing the cohomology ring of spheres it can be deduced that there is no topological group structure on spheres except for dimensions $0, 1, 3$ and somewhat weaker (i.e. not associative) topological group structure in dimension $7$.

Actually in case of topological groups this goes even further. The cohomology ring (of a topological group) becomes a Hopf algebra which is a very rich algebraic structure: it's a vector space with multiplication and comultiplication. So it has at least four operators ($+$, scalar multiplication, vector multiplication, comultiplication).

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