[Math] Algebraic numbers that cannot be expressed using integers and elementary functions

algebraic-number-theoryelementary-functionsgalois-theorynumber theoryradicals

Can we give an explicit${^*}$ example of a real algebraic number that provably cannot be represented as an expression built from integers and elementary${^{**}}$ functions only?

${^*}$ explicit means we can write down a polynomial equation with integer coefficients having the algebraic number as a root, and an interval with rational bounds that isolates that root.

${^{**}}$ an expression built from integers and elementary function only means any valid expression in the set of elementary expressions $\mathcal{E}$ (as defined in that question at MO). Briefly, it is any finite combination of the following:

  • the imaginary unit $i$,
  • the exponent $x\mapsto e^x$,
  • the principal branch of the natural logarithm $x\mapsto\ln x$, provided $x\ne0$, and
  • the multiplication function $(x,y)\mapsto x\cdot y$.

Note that it allows to express constants $\pi$, $e$, integers, rationals, sums, powers, radicals, and also trigonometric and hyperbolic functions and their inverses, e.g.
$$\pi=i\cdot i\cdot i\cdot \ln(i\cdot i).$$

Update: I reposted this question at MO.

Best Answer

This may not be what your are looking for but, after some tinkering, I found your example in fact can be expressed in radicals. Let,

$$x = 2\cos \frac{2\arctan k}{5}$$

then $x$ is a root of,

$$x^5-5x^3+5x+2\left(\frac{k^2-1}{k^2+1}\right) = 0$$

This is the DeMoivre quintic in disguise,


and is solvable in radicals. Your $\alpha$ then has the radical expression,

$$\alpha = 2\cos \frac{2\arctan 2}{5} =\left(\frac{-3-4i}{5}\right)^{1/5}+\left(\frac{-3+4i}{5}\right)^{1/5} = 1.807059\dots$$