[Math] Algebra – Infinite Dihedral Group


Let $G$ be the set of bijections $\mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ which preserve the distance between pairs of points, and send integers to integers. Then $G$ is a group under composition of functions. The following two elements are obviously in $G$: the function $t$ (translation) where $t(x)=x+1$ for each $x \in \mathbb{R}$ and the function $r$ (reflection) where $r(x)=-x$ for each $x \in \mathbb{R}$. The subgroup of $G$ generated by $r$ and $t$ is called the infinite dihedral group and denoted by $D_{\infty}$. Note that this information describes an action of $D_{\infty}$ on $\Re$.

  1. Show that every element of $D_{\infty}$ can be written uniquely in the form $r^it^j$ for suitably restricted values of $i$ and $j$. Explain how to multiply two such elements.

  2. Describe geometrically the possible sorts of actions of elements of $D_{\infty}$ on the real line $\mathbb{R}$.

I have shown that every element is of the form $r^it^j$ but I am unsure how two elements would be multiplied together and how the actions should be described geometrically.

Can anybody help?

Best Answer

I assume, you have also noted that $i\in\{0,1\}$ when writing an element as $r^it^j$. Essentially, there are just four cases to consider:

  • $t^j \cdot t^k$: Clearly, this is $t^{j+k}$.
  • $rt^j \cdot t^k$: Clearly, this is $rt^{j+k}$.
  • $t^j \cdot rt^k$: Note that $(t^j rt^k)(x) = (t^j r)(x+k)=t^j(-x-k)=-x-k+j$, hence $t^j \cdot rt^k = r t^{k-j}$.
  • $rt^j \cdot rt^k$: Using the previous, this is $r \cdot r t^{k-j}= t^{k-j}$.

The elements of $D_\infty$ are $t^j\colon x\mapsto x+j$ with $j\in \mathbb Z$, i.e. translations by an integer amount, and $rt^j\colon x\mapsto -x-j$, i.e. reflection around integers or half-integers (note that $-\frac j2$ is the fix pint of $x\mapsto -x-j$).

Bonus Question: Can you find any element of $G$ that is not in $D_\infty$?

Remark: How could you show that all elements have the form $r^it^j$ without observing how elemnts of $D_\infty$ are multiplied?