[Math] Adjoint of resolvent of self-adjoint, densely-defined operator on a Hilbert space


Let $H$ be a Hilbert space, $T=T^*$ a densely-defined linear operator on $H$. Denote the resolvent set of $T$ as $\rho(T)=\{\lambda\in\mathbb{C}~|~T-\lambda$ has bounded, everywhere-defined inverse}, and define the resolvent of $T$ at $\lambda$ to be the bounded, everywhere-defined operator $R_\lambda=(T-\lambda)^{-1}$ $(\lambda\in\rho(T))$.

How would I set about proving that $(R_\lambda)^* = R_{\smash{\overline{\lambda}}}$? I've been playing around with the inner product and the definition of $R_\lambda$ and I'm getting nowhere, so any hints of what sort of calculations to attempt would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Let $D_T$ be the domain of $T$. Then, since the resolvent $R_\lambda$ is invertible, we know that $R_\lambda^{-1}(D_T)$ is also dense. For $y \in R_\lambda^{-1}(D_T)$ and $x \in D_T$ we have

$$\begin{align}\newcommand{\inner}[2]{{\langle {#1}\mspace{-3mu}\mid\mspace{-3mu} {#2}\rangle}} \inner{y}{x} &= \inner{(T-\lambda)R_\lambda y}{x}\\ &= \inner{R_\lambda y}{(T-\overline{\lambda})x}\\ &= \inner{y}{R_\lambda^\ast(T-\overline{\lambda})x}. \end{align}$$

Since $R_\lambda^{-1}(D_T)$ is dense, we have $R_\lambda^\ast(T-\overline{\lambda})x = x$ for all $x\in D_T$.

Can you conclude $R_\lambda^\ast = R_{\overline{\lambda}}$ from that?