[Math] Adjoint functors for the power set monad


There is the power set functor, $T$, which gives raise to a monad: For a set $X$, we set $TX:=\mathcal P(X)$ and for $f:X\to Y$, we set $T(f):=S\mapsto f(S)$, where $f(S)$ denotes the direct image. The unit maps to the singleton $x\mapsto\{x\}$ and the second map gives a union, as in $\{\{a,b\},\{c\},\{\{d,e\},f\}\}\mapsto \{a,b,c,\{d,e\},f\}$. There is also the very similar list-monad, where $TX:=\bigcup_nX^n=X\cup (X\times X)\cup (X\times\dots$

What are the adjoint functor pairs $F,G$ for, so that $T=FG$ and what is the co-unit? I know there are at least "the two extremal solutions" – are they used somewhere?

Best Answer

I prefer to write $F$ for the left-adjoint. So we have $T = GF$. You can consider for $F$ the free functor from the category of sets to the category of complete semi-lattices or the free functor from the category of sets to the category of free complete semi-lattices. The functor $G$ is the forgetful functor that takes a complete semi-lattice (resp. a free complete semi-lattice) and forgets the structure to give the set of its elements.

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