[Math] $(A\cap B)\cup C = A \cap (B\cup C)$ if and only if $C \subset A$


I have a set identity: $(A \cap B) \cup C = A \cap (B \cup C)$ if and only if $C \subset A$.

I started with Venn diagrams and here is the result:
enter image description here

It is evident that set identity is correct. So I started to prove it algebraic:

1) According to distributive law: $(A \cap B) \cup C = (A \cup C) \cap (B \cup C)$

2) …

I stuck a little. Because $C$ is a subset of $A$. I thought of pulling out: $(B \cup C)$ but it seems wrong step to me.

How to prove this identity having in mind that $C \subset A$?


Venn diagram for $C ⊈ A$
enter image description here

Best Answer

It’s a little easier to go the other way: $A\cap(B\cup C)=(A\cap B)\cup(A\cap C)$, and you’d like to show that this equals $(A\cap B)\cup C$ if and only if $C\subseteq A$.

  • Suppose first that $C\subseteq A$; how can you simplify $A\cap C$?
  • Now suppose that $C\nsubseteq A$; then there is some $c\in C\setminus A$. Show that this $c$ is an element of $(A\cap B)\cup C$ but not of $(A\cap B)\cup(A\cap C)$, so that these two sets cannot be equal.

Your Venn diagrams show what happens when $C\subseteq A$, so they’re useful in proving one direction of the desired result: if $C\subseteq A$, then the two sets are equal. To see how you might prove the other direction, i.e., that if $C\nsubseteq A$, then the two sets are not equal, you’d do better to look at a Venn diagram showing $C\nsubseteq A$.