[Math] About linear combinations of primes

elementary-number-theorylinear algebranumber theoryprime numbers

$a,b,c$ are natural numbers whose greatest common divisor is $1$.

$a,b,c\in\mathbb{N}^*$, $(a,b,c)=1$

Try to write down the expression using $a,b,c$ of the biggest natural number $M$ that cannot be write down in following forms: $M=xa+yb+zc$, $x,y,z\in\mathbb{N}$

Or say it in this way, $3$ kinds of weights which respectively weigh $a,b,c$, $a,b,c\in\mathbb{N}^*$, $(a,b,c)=1$. They only can be put on one side of the balance. What's the biggest weigh $M\in\mathbb{N}$ that cannot be weighed using these $3$ kinds of weights

What's more, if possible, when there are $a,b,c,\dots,n$ ($n$ kinds of weights in all), what's the largest weigh $M$?

To give some referrings, when there are only two kinds of weights, $M=(a-1)(b-1)$

I think it might be possible to use the linear combinations of primes to solve it but up to now I have no idea.

I'm trying to write a programme that can generate $M$ and put them into coordinate systems and probably I can find the regulation….

Can you help?

Best Answer

This is known as the Frobenius coin problem. As you state, the solution for one and two numbers is known. For three (or more) only partial results are available.

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