[Math] A vector that is orthogonal to the null space must be in the row space

linear algebra

Simple question.

We know from the fundamental theorem of linear algebra that the nullspace of a matrix is the orthogonal complement of its row space.

I can write this as:

Let $M$ be a matrix. The following two conditions are equivalent:
(i) $u$ is orthogonal to the null space of $M$.
(ii) $u$ is in the row space of $M$.

That (ii) implies (i) is trivial, pretty much by definition.

Question: But why is it also true (or even obvious) that (i) implies (ii)?

Best Answer

First, I'll prove/outline/mention a few preliminary results.

Lemma 1: If $V$ is a finite-dimensional real-vector space and $W$ is a subspace of $V,$ then for all $v\in V,$ there exist unique $w\in W,w'\in W^\perp$ such that $v=w+w'$.

Proof: It is readily seen that existence implies uniqueness, since if $w_1,w_2\in W$ and $w_1',w_2'\in W^\perp$ such that $w_1+w_1'=w_2+w_2',$ then $w_1-w_2=w_2'-w_1',$ but $w_1-w_2\in W$ and $w_2'-w_1'\in W^\perp,$ so since $W\cap W^\perp$ is the zero subspace (the zero vector is the only self-orthogonal vector), then $w_1-w_2=w_2'-w_1'=0,$ so $w_1=w_2$ and $w_1'=w_2'$. To prove existence, we can use the Gram-Schmidt process, starting with a basis for $W,$ to make an orthonormal basis for $W,$ which we then extend to an orthonormal basis for $V$ (possible in finite dimensions), and the added vectors will be an orthonormal basis for $W^\perp.$ $\Box$

Lemma 2: If $V$ is a real-vector space and $W$ is a subspace of $V,$ then $(W^\perp)^\perp\supseteq W$. [Readily seen by definition.] $\Box$

Lemma 3: If $V$ is a finite-dimensional real-vector space and $W$ is a subspace of $V,$ then $(W^\perp)^\perp=W.$

Proof: Take any $v\in(W^\perp)^\perp,$ and write $v=w+w'$ as in Lemma 1. Since $v\in(W^\perp)^\perp$ and $w'\in W^\perp,$ then $$0=v\cdot w'=(w+w')\cdot w'=w\cdot w'+w'\cdot w',$$ and so $0=w'\cdot w'$ since $w\in W$ and $w'\in W^\perp.$ Only the zero vector is self-orthogonal, so $w'=0,$ so $v=w\in W$, giving us the reverse inclusion of Lemma 2. $\Box$

Lemma 4: Given a finite dimensional vector space $V$ and subspaces $W$ and $X$ of $V$, we have that $W^\perp=X^\perp$ if and only if $W=X$.

Proof: One implication is trivial. For the other, suppose $W^\perp=X^\perp.$ Take $x\in X$. By Lemma 1, there exist unique $w,w'$ such that $x=w+w',$ $w\in W$, and $w'\in W^\perp=X^\perp.$ Then $$0=x\cdot w'=(w+w')\cdot w'=w\cdot w'+w'\cdot w'=w'\cdot w',$$ so $w'=0,$ whence $x=w\in W$, and so $X\subseteq W$. By symmetrical arguments, we likewise have $W\subseteq X$, so $W=X$. $\Box$

Now, because of Lemmas 3 and 4, to show that (i) implies (ii) is equivalent to showing that every vector in the null space of $M$ is orthogonal to every element of the row space of $M$. Indeed, Say that $M$ is an $m\times n$ matrix, and writing $M=[r_1^T\:\cdots\:r_m^T]^T$ where the $r_j$ are the rows of $M,$ we note that for any $n$-dimensional vector $x$ we have $$Mx=\left[\begin{array}{c}r_1\\\vdots\\r_m\end{array}\right]x=\left[\begin{array}{c}r_1x\\\vdots\\r_mx\end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{c}r_1^T\cdot x\\\vdots\\r_m^T\cdot x\end{array}\right].$$ In particular, if $x$ is in the null space of $M$, then $r_j^T\cdot x=0$ for $1\le j\le m,$ meaning that $x$ is orthogonal to each row of $M$, so since the row space of $M$ is spanned by these rows then $x$ is in the orthogonal complement to the row space of $M,$ as desired.