[Math] A twice differentiable function $ f(x)$ is such that $f(a) = f(b) = 0$ and $f(c) \gt 0$ for $a\lt c\lt b$


Prove that there is at least one point $\varepsilon$, $a\lt \varepsilon \lt b$, for which $f''(\varepsilon) \lt 0$.

My approach : By Rolle's Theorem , $ \exists \alpha \in (a,b)$ such that $f'(\alpha) = 0$.

And as $f(x)$ is differentiable in $[a,b]$ it is also differentiable in $[a,c]$ then by Lagrange Mean value theorem, $\exists \,\beta \in (a,c)$ such that $f'(\beta) = \frac{f(c)-f(a)}{c-a} \gt 0$ since $f(c)>0$, $f(a) = 0$ and $c>a$.

Now assuming $ \alpha \gt \beta$ , and since $f(x)$ is twice differentiable, applying LMVT on $f'(x)$ in the interval $(\beta,\alpha)$, we get that there exists an $\varepsilon \in (\beta,\alpha)$ such that $f''(\varepsilon) = \frac{f'(\alpha)-f'(\beta)}{\alpha – \beta} \lt 0$.

I have assumed $\alpha \gt \beta$, is there a concrete way to prove without assuming? Thank You.

Best Answer

As you suspect, your argument is flawed. Here is a simpler way:

$f(c) > 0$, so by the Mean Value Theorem, there exist $\alpha \in (a,c)$ and $\beta \in (c,b)$ such that $f'(\alpha) > 0$ and $f'(\beta) < 0$.

Now use the Mean Value Theorem on the function $f'$ and the interval $(\alpha,\beta)$.

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