[Math] A total of 28 percent of American males smoke cigarettes, 7 % smoke cigars, .05 smoke cigars and cigarettes. How many smoke cigars but not cigarettes


I was able to find out how many smoke neither cigars nor cigarettes as:

$P(E \cup F)$ is the event that someone smokes a cigar OR a cigarette

$P(E \cup F)^c$ is the event someone smokes neither

$(P \cup F)^c = 1-( P(E) +P(E) – P(EF))= .70$

The probability someone smokes cigars but not cigarettes could be $P(E \cap F^C)$ if I let E denote the event that someone smokes cigar and let F denote the event that a person smokes a cigarette, thus:

$P(E \cap F^C) =….$ I have no clue, this chapter two material over mutually inclusive-exclusive events and their formula and sample spaces with equally likely outcomes and the probability axioms 1-3. So if someone could explain the answer in those terms it would be great. So no Bayes formula although I think it could apply here, I would mind a side note or second part using Bayes method.

Best Answer

Draw a Venn diagram. On the left, you have 28% that smoke cigarettes. On the right, you have the 7% that smoke cigars. The intersection is 5%. Simple arithmetic will tell you the portions of the circles that smoke one but not the other.

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