[Math] A simple proof that a polygon circumscribing a circle overestimates its perimeter


Looking at the picture below, it's easy to see why the perimeter of a polygon inscribed in a circle is an underestimation of the circle's perimeter. This follows from the triangle inequality: Any side (say $AB$) of the polygon is shorter than the circular arc with the same endpoints ($\stackrel{\frown}{AB}$). Summing all these inequalities shows the perimeter of the inscribed polygon is indeed smaller than that of the circle.

I'm wondering if there is proof that the perimeter of a circumscribed polygon always overestimates the perimeter of the circle, which is as simple as that of the inscribed polygon case. Thanks!

enter image description here

Best Answer

You may use a general fact:

If $A,B\subset\mathbb{R}^2$ are two convex bounded shapes and $A\subset B$, the perimeter of $A$ is less than the perimeter of $B$.

Proof: if $A\neq B$, you may "cut out" a slice of $B$ without touching $A$. By convexity, the perimeter of the "reduced set" $B$ is less than the perimeter of the original set $B$. If $A$ is a polygon, by iterating this argument a finite number of times you get that $A$ is a reduced version of $B$, hence $\mu(\partial A)<\mu(\partial B)$ as wanted.

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