[Math] A rope is cut into two piece. Find the probability that the shorter piece is 1/3 the size of the larger piece.

density functionprobabilityrandom variables

The full question is: A rope of length L is cut at a random point. Find the probability that the ratio of the length of the
shorter piece of rope to the length of the longer piece of rope is less than 1/3.

So I started by saying that X is uniformly distributed over (0,L) and we're trying to find $P\left \{ X <\frac{L}{3} \right \}$.

So I said the probability density function is $$f(x) = \left\{\begin{matrix}\frac{1}{L} &0 < x < L \\ 0 & otherwise\end{matrix}\right.$$

and so
$$P\left \{ X <\frac{L}{3} \right \} = \int_0^\frac{L}{3} \frac{1}{L} dx$$

However this doesn't seem right to me. Am I on the right track?

Best Answer

Imagine your rope as one unit long. Putting it on the number line, the endpoints will be at 0 and 1. Cutting at $1/4$, the ratio is $1:3$, and any cuts left of that also give smaller ratios. By symmetry, the cuts at greater or equal to $3/4$ also give $3:1$ ratios. Thus, we have two quarter length segments that work, in a segment of unit length, giving the probability $1/2$.