[Math] A question concerning polynomial solvable by radicals


We know from Galois Theory that a polynomial is solvable by radicals if and only if its Galois group is solvable. On the other hand solvable by radicals for example means that the equation $X^n-1=0$ is always solvable by radicals (its Galois group is abelian), but this only means that we can find a solution by saying it is $1^{1/n}$, which is a radical. As for $n\le 6$ we can find its solution in the form $a+ib$ where $a,b$ are representable by real radicals. I guess this is not always possible for larger $n$. (I can see how it could be up to $n\le10$, but any higher?) Is there a theory concerning this kind of problem (whether a polynomial can be solved by "real radicals")?

Best Answer

This article "Solution of Polynomials by Real Radicals" might interest you


It closes with the observation:

"We close with the observation that solvable polynomials with real roots but which are not solvable by real radicals seem to abound. For example, for any prime p, the polynomial $$f(x) = x^3 - 2px + p$$ has this property... It is amusing to solve this polynomial by Cardan's method to see where nonreal numbers come in."