[Math] A property of the hazard function of the normal distribution

normal distributionprobabilityprobability distributionsstatistics

I have a problem that I can't figure out. Define $$\Gamma\left(x\right):=\frac{\phi(x)}{1-\Phi(x)}$$ where $\phi(x)$,
$\Phi(x)$ are the density respectively cumulative distribution function
of the standard normal distribution. Hence $\Gamma(x)$ is the hazard function of the normal distribution. Define $$\delta\left(x\right):=\Gamma\left(x\right)\left(\Gamma\left(x\right)-x\right)$$

Is $\delta\left(x\right)$ increasing in $x$, i.e. $\frac{\partial \delta (x)}{\partial x}>0$?

I know $\Gamma(x)$ is monotonously increasing in $x$, but I can't manage to show the same for $\delta(x)$. I have already plottet the function and indeed it is increasing. Does anybody know a reference for this result, or the actual solution to the problem?

Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

The function $\delta$ is the derivative of $\Gamma$, so the question amounts to whether the hazard $\Gamma$ is convex. This is in fact the case. I have proved this in an answer to another question here: Standard normal distribution hazard rate