[Math] a problem from 1977 all Soviet Union Mathematical Olympiad


Seven dwarfs are sitting at a round table. Each has a cup, and some cups contain milk. Each dwarf in turn pours all his milk into the other six cups, dividing it equally among them. After the seventh dwarf has done this, they find that each cup again contains its initial quantity of milk. How much milk does each cup contain, if there were 42 ounces of milk altogether?

The problem can be found here Futility Closet

Best Answer

Let there be a total of $a$ ounces of milk. Let the $k^{th}$ dwarf have $x_k^{(0)}$ ounces of milk initially.

Let do it for smaller cases to guess the pattern. It is evident that the last dwarf has $0$ milk initially.

For $n=2$: Then $x_1^{(0)} = a$ and $x_2^{(0)} = 0$.

For $n=3$: Then $$x_1^{(1)} =0; \,\,\,\,x_2^{(1)} =x_2^{(0)} + \dfrac{x_1^{(0)}}2; \,\,\,\,x_3^{(1)} =\dfrac{x_1^{(0)}}2$$ Then $$x_1^{(2)} =\dfrac{x_2^{(0)} + \dfrac{x_1^{(0)}}2}2; \,\,\,\,x_2^{(2)} =0; \,\,\,\,x_3^{(2)} =\dfrac{x_1^{(0)}}2 + \dfrac{x_2^{(0)} + \dfrac{x_1^{(0)}}2}2$$ Then $$x_1^{(3)} =\dfrac{x_2^{(0)} + \dfrac{x_1^{(0)}}2}2 + \dfrac{\dfrac{x_1^{(0)}}2 + \dfrac{x_2^{(0)} + \dfrac{x_1^{(0)}}2}2}2; \,\,\,\,x_2^{(2)} =\dfrac{\dfrac{x_1^{(0)}}2 + \dfrac{x_2^{(0)} + \dfrac{x_1^{(0)}}2}2}2; \,\,\,\,x_3^{(2)} = 0$$ Hence, $$x_1^{(0)} = \left(\dfrac12 + \dfrac18\right)x_1^{(0)} + \left(\dfrac12 + \dfrac14\right)x_2^{(0)}$$ $$x_2^{(0)} = \left(\dfrac14 + \dfrac18\right)x_1^{(0)} + \left(\dfrac14\right)x_2^{(0)}$$ This gives us $x_1^{(0)} = 2x_2^{(0)} \implies x_1^{(0)} = \dfrac{2a}3$ and $x_2^{(0)} = \dfrac{a}3$.

This leads us to a possible guess if there are $n$ dwarfs i.e. $$x_k^{(0)} = (n-k)y$$ such that $$\sum_{k=1}^n x_k^{(0)} = a \implies y = \dfrac{2a}{n(n-1)}$$ i.e. for $7$ dwarfs, we have \begin{align} x_1^{(0)} & = 6y\\ x_2^{(0)} & = 5y\\ x_3^{(0)} & = 4y\\ x_4^{(0)} & = 3y\\ x_5^{(0)} & = 2y\\ x_6^{(0)} & = y\\ x_7^{(0)} & = 0 \end{align} where $y=2$. (Because $y+2y+3y+4y+5y+6y = 42 \implies 21y = 42 \implies y=2$). At transfer $k$, the $k^{th}$ dwarf has $6y$ ounce of milk and transfer to each other dwarf $y$ ounce of milk.

In general, if there are $n$ dwarfs and the total milk is $a$ ounces, and if the $k^{th}$ dwarf has $x_k^{(0)}$ of milk to begin with then $$x_k^{(0)} = \dfrac{2(n-k)}{n(n-1)}a$$

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