[Math] A picture frame measures $14$ cm by $20$ cm. $160$ cm$^2$ of the picture shows inside the frame. Find the width of the frame.


A picture frame measures $14$cm by $20$cm. $160$cm$^2$ of the picture shows inside the frame. Find the width of the frame.

This is the question I was given, word-for-word. Is it asking for the width of the picture? Becuase the way I see it, the width is simply $14$…

EDIT: Is this the correct interpretation? (Sorry did a really quick drawing in MS paint, red represents what I am supposed to find)
enter image description here

Best Answer

You know what a picture frame looks like, right? Two concentric rectangles.

You are given the dimensions of the outer rectangle. You are given the area of the inner rectangle.

You are asked to find the thickness of the border between them.

$$20\textrm{cm}\left\{ \vphantom{\bbox[green, 2ex, border:solid 1pt]{\bbox[white, 1ex, border:solid 1pt]{\begin{array}{l}\qquad\\160\textrm{cm}^2\\~\\~\end{array}}}} \right. % \overbrace{\bbox[green, 2ex, border:solid 1pt]{\bbox[white, 1ex, border:solid 1pt]{\begin{array}{l}\qquad\\160\textrm{cm}^2\\~\\~\end{array}}}}^{14\textrm{cm}}$$