[Math] A pair of unbiased dice are rolled together till a sum of either 5 or 7 is obtained, find the probability that 5 comes before 7


Problem :

A pair of unaiased dice are rolled together till a sum of either 5 or 7 is obtained, find the probability that 5 comes before 7.

My approach :

Probability P(A) of getting 5 as sum on two dice is

$$P(A) = \frac{4}{36} = \frac{1}{9}$$

Let B the event that a sum of 7 occurs and C the event that neither a sum of 5 nor a sum of 7 occurs. We have :

$$P(B)= \frac{6}{36} = \frac{1}{6}$$

$$P(C) = \frac{26}{36} = \frac{13}{18}$$

Please suggest how to proceed further.

Best Answer

The number of results of a pair of dice which sum to 5 is $4$. The number of results of a pair of dice which sum to 7 is $6$. Thus, if the dice are unbiased, they will produce the sum 5 before the sum 7 with probability $\frac4{4+6}=\frac25$.

More generally, for two disjoint events A and B with probabilities $a$ and $b$ respectively, to observe A before B means either that the first try yields A (this happens with probability $a$), or that the first try yields neither A nor B (this happens with probability $1-a-b$) and that the following tries produce A before B.

This one-step reasoning indicates that the probability $p$ to observe A before B solves the equation $p=a\cdot1+b\cdot0+(1-a-b)\cdot p$, thus, $p=\frac{a}{a+b}$.