General Topology – Not Complete Metric Space


Please ,how to prove that the space $\mathbb{R}$ endowed with the metric $d(x,y)=|e^x-e^y|$ is not a complete space?

I don't find a Cauchy sequence but not convergent


Thank you.

Best Answer

Consider the sequence $x_n=-n$. Clearly it doesn't converge. For, suppose $x_n \to x$ for some real number $x$. Then $|e^{-n}−e^x|→0$. Hence, $e^x=0$, which cannot be.

However, $N<n<m \implies |e^{x_n}-e^{x_m}|=e^{-n}-e^{-m}<e^{-N} \to 0$ as $N \to \infty$. So the sequence is Cauchy.

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