[Math] A matrix is an orthogonal projection if idempotent and symmetric.


I have a matrix $A=\mathbf{v}\mathbf{v}^t$ where v is a vector in $\mathbb{R}^n$ with magnitude $1$.
I have to prove that $A$ represents an orthogonal projection onto span$\{\mathbf{v}\}$.

I have shown that $A$ is symmetric and idempotent with rank $1$ but I am not sure how to go from those properties to it being an orthogonal projection.

Any help would be much appreciated!

Thank you.

Best Answer

The answer to the body of your question is much quicker than the answer to the title.

Note that for any vector $x$, we have $$ Ax = vv^Tx = v\langle x,v \rangle = \langle x,v \rangle v $$ By definition, this is the projection of $x$ onto the vector $v$.

Yes, we could prove that in general, a matrix is an orthogonal projection if it is idempotent and symmetric. However, doing so is not necessary in answering this particular question.