[Math] A logic puzzle from TES: Arena


Its nice when games have riddles hidden in them. While playing TES:Arena, I came across an unusual logical puzzle:
There are 3 cells.

If Cell 3 holds worthless brass, Cell 2 holds the gold key.

If Cell 1 holds the gold key, Cell 3 holds worthless brass.

If Cell 2 holds worthless brass, Cell 1 holds the gold key.

Knowing this brave fool, and knowing that all that is said cannot be true, which cell contains the gold key?

The correct answer is Cell 2 as suggested by the game. I wanted to know how one could logically arrive at the result. Could anyone help me with this?

What I tried: I negated all the above statements. The first implication became Cell 3 holds worthless brass AND Cell 2 does not have gold key. But if this is true, then cell 2 does not have the gold key and the result is incorrect. Hence I had this doubt.

PS: Choosing the wrong door causes man eating spiders to be released.

Best Answer

If you label the conditions a-c, and if the gold key exists and is unique, it is enough to show that not in 2 leads to a contradiction. But 'key not in 2' leads to 'key in 2' (so a contradiction), as follows:

By (c), not in 2 implies in 1. By (b) then, not in 3. By (a) then, key is in 2. Contradiction.

To be safe, you can check if the game makers messed up:

As 'key in 1' is a sub chain of the above, it also leads to 'key in 2'. Contradiction.

Similarly, 'key in 3' means by uniqueness that 2 holds brass, which, by (c), implies 1 holds the key. Contradiction.

Finally note that if the key is in 2, it doesn't lead to any contradictions. So game is correct.

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