[Math] A Linear Operator of Rank 1

linear algebra

Let $T$ be a linear operator with rank $1$ on a finite dimensional vector space $V$.Then Which of the following are true?

1)either $T$ is diagonalizable or $T$ is nilpotent.

2)$T$ is both diagonalizable and nilpotent.

I take $T$ as constant mapping and got it as diagonalizable. So can we say that 1) is true and 2) is false? Is there any other method to solve the problem?

Best Answer

We have $\dim\ker T=\dim V-1=n-1$ since the rank of $T$ is $1$ hence $0$ is an eigenvalue with multiplicity at least $n-1$ and then there are two possibilities:

  • If $\operatorname{tr}(T)\ne 0$ then the last eigenvalue is $\lambda=\operatorname{tr}(T)$ and $T$ is diagonalizable since $$V=\ker T\oplus E_\lambda(T)$$
  • $\operatorname{tr}(T)= 0$ then $0$ is the only eigenvalue of $T$ so it's nilpotent and not diagonalizable since $T\ne0$.
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