[Math] A linear bounded operator has to be continuous


I just found on the wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_linear_operator stating that

An operator between two normed spaces is a bounded linear operator if
and only if it is a continuous linear operator.

How to prove that?

Formally, if we define $Z: A \rightarrow B$ is a linear operator between normed spaces $A$ and $B$.

  1. How to prove $Z$ is bounded iff $Z$ is continuous?
  2. What is the definition of an operator is continuous?

Some related questions:

If a linear operator between two normed linear spaces is continuous at one point, then it is continuous at all points.

is bounded linear operator necessarily continuous?

Best Answer

For the proof of equivalence, you can find it on Wikipedia.

Since a normed vector space is a metric space with metric induced from the norm, you can just copy the definition of continuity at $x_0$ for real functions of real variable:

$$(\forall\varepsilon >0 )(\exists\delta > 0 )\ \|x-x_0\|<\delta \implies \|Ax-Ax_0\|<\varepsilon.$$

You might be confused by the proof since any function $f$ that satisfies $$\|f(x)-f(y)\|\leq C\| x-y\|$$ for some $C>0$ must be continuous. Try to prove it.

Also, it might be worthwhile for you to try to prove that continuity of linear operator at $0$ implies continuity at all points.

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