[Math] a Holomorphic Vector Field


On a smooth manifold $M$, a smooth vector field is an element of $\Gamma(M, TM)$ which is the space of all smooth sections of the bundle $TM \to M$.

If $M$ is a complex manifold, then we have the holomorphic tangent space $T^{1,0}M$. We can form the space $\Gamma(M, T^{1,0}M)$ of smooth sections, but locally, an element can be written as $$f_1\frac{\partial}{\partial z^1} + \dots + f_n\frac{\partial}{\partial z^n}$$ where $n = \mathrm{dim}_{\mathbb{C}}M$ and the functions $f_1, \dots, f_n$ are smooth complex-valued functions, they are not necessarily holomorphic. This makes me think that these vector fields shouldn't be called holomorphic, but maybe I'm wrong.

What is the definition of a holomorphic vector field on a complex manifold?

Any additional resources dealing with such vector fields would also be appreciated.

Best Answer

We can define holomorphic sections of any holomorphic vector bundle in the same way as we define holomorphic functions. Let $X$ be a complex manifold and let $E \to X$ be a holomorphic vector bundle over $X$. We can extend the $\overline\partial$ to act on sections of $E$: Let $E_U \to U \times \mathbb C^r$ be a local trivialization and $(e_1, \dots, e_r)$ be a local holomorphic frame of $E$. If $\sigma = \sum_j s_j e_j$ is a section of $E$ over $U$, then we set $$ \overline\partial \sigma := \sum_j \overline \partial s_j \otimes e_j. $$ If $E_V \to V \times \mathbb C^r$ is another trivialization, then we write $g(z,\lambda) = (z, g(z) \lambda)$ for the induced transition function. These are holomorphic, so $g(z)$ is a $r \times r$ matrix of holomorphic functions. If we write $\sigma_U$ and $\sigma_V$ for the representations of the section $\sigma$ in the frames over $U$ and $V$, then $\sigma_U = g \sigma_V$. It follows that $$ \overline \partial \sigma_U = g \overline \partial \sigma_V $$ because $g$ is holomorphic, so the $\overline \partial$ operator glues to define an operator on the space of sections of $E$.

We now define holomorphic sections of $E$ to be smooth sections $\sigma$ such that $\overline \partial \sigma = 0$. If we pick a local holomorphic frame $(e_1, \dots, e_r)$ and write $\sigma = \sum_j s_j e_j$ as before, then this entails that $\sigma$ is holomorphic if and only if all the functions $s_j$ are holomorphic.

We could of course have defined holomorphic sections as being those sections that satisfy that the "coordinate functions" $s_j$ are holomorphic in any local holomorphic frame. Since the transition functions of $E$ are holomorphic, this is well defined. This is basically the same as what we did here.

Since you ask for additional resources for dealing with holomorphic tangent fields specifially, I encourage you to have a look at the Bochner--Weitzenböck formulas you asked about on MO the other day. These are often used to show that there are no non-zero holomorphic vector fields on a manifold (a fun exercise is to prove this by using the Kähler--Einstein metric on a projective manifold with ample canonical bundle -- try Ballmann or Zheng's books if you need help on this).

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