[Math] A holomorphic function is conformal


I am trying to show that if a function $f = u+iv$ is holomorphic with $\partial_z f(z)$ always non zero, then $f$ is a conformal mapping, i.e. it preserves angles between smooth curves.

If $f$ is holomorphic, by Cauchy-Riemann
u_x & u_y\\
v_x & v_y
u_x & -v_x\\
v_x & u_x
u_x^2 + v_x^2 = |\partial_z f|^2 \neq 0,
so changing variables $r, \theta$ s.t.
$$ r = |\partial _z f(z)|, \cos \theta = \dfrac{u_x}{|\partial_z f|}, \sin \theta = \dfrac{v_x}{|\partial_z f|}$$
the jacobian matrix of $f$ becomes
u_x & u_y\\
v_x & v_y
\cos \theta & – \sin \theta\\
\sin \theta & \cos \theta
Now the Jacobian indeed preserves angles since it is a composition of a rotation with a dilation. But why $f$ should also preserve angles??

Best Answer

The angle between two curves through a point is measured by means of the tangent vectors to the curves at the point. Then, a map preserves angles (i.e., it is conformal) if the differential of the map preserves angles. The differential of the map is the linear map defined by the Jacobian matrix. As you have said, the Jacobian corresponds to a conformal linear map, thus proving that holomorphic functions are conformal.

In the case of manifolds, a map f between two manifolds M and M’ induces a linear map between the tangent space of M at p and the tangent space of M’ at f(p), which is called the differential of f at p. The map is conformal if the differential is conformal at every point. In the present case both manifolds M and M’ are the set of complex numbers.