[Math] A function in a Real Vector Space V (where V is the set of all complex-valued functions f on the real line ), which is NOT real-valued.

linear algebravector-spaces


Let $V$ be the set of all complex-valued functions $f$ on the real line such that
(for all $t \in \Bbb R) \ \ f(-t) = \overline {f(t)} $.
The bar denotes complex conjugation.

(i) Show that $V$, with the operations
$(f + g)(t) = f(t) + g(t)$ and
$(cf)(t) = cf(t)$
is a vector space over the field of real numbers but NOT a vector space over the filed of complex numbers.

(ii) Give an example of a function in $ V$
which is NOT real-valued.

My Try:

(i) $ (f + g)(-t) = f(-t) + g(-t) = \overline {f(t)} + \overline {g(t)} = \overline {f(t) + g(t)} = \overline {(f + g)(t)}$ .

$ (cf)(-t)=cf(-t)=c \overline{f(t)}= \overline{c f(t)} $ .

Hence, a subset $V$ of the real vector space of all functions from $\Bbb R $ to $\Bbb C $ is closed
under addition and multiplication by real numbers. This means that $V$ is a
subspace and satisfies all properties of a vector space.

Hence $V$ is a vector space over the field of real numbers.

BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO PROVE that $V$ is NOT a Vector Space over the filed of complex numbers. Please help me solve this.

(ii) An example of a non-real-valued function in $V$ is $f(t) = it$

Now, how will I prove that this function is in $V$ ?

My attempt is given below:

$f(t) = it$

$\Rightarrow f(-t)= i(-t)=-it$

or $f(t) = it$

$\Rightarrow f[-(-t)]=it$

$\Rightarrow \overline {f(-t)}=it$

$f(t)+f(-t)=0 \in V$

This is University exam question and I'm preparing for the same exam. Part (i) is for 10 marks and Part (ii) is for 5 marks.

If there is any mistake, please correct the solution given by me and help me complete the solution.


Best Answer

If $\,V\,$ were a complex linear space then it'd fulfill

$$(if)(-x)=\overline{(if)(x)}\;,\;\;\forall\,f\in V$$

Yet for $\,f(x)=1\;,\;\;\forall\,x\in\Bbb R\;$ , we get:

$$\begin{align*}(if)(-x)&=i(f(-x))=i(1)=i\\ \overline{(if)x}&=\overline{i(f(x)}=\overline i\overline{f(x)}=-i(1)=-i\end{align*}$$

For part two I think it's easier and simpler:

$$\forall\,t\in\Bbb R\;,\;\;f(t):=it\implies f(-t)=-it=\overline{it}=\overline{f(t)}$$