Finite Group with All Proper Subgroups Abelian – Abstract Algebra


Let $G$ be a finite group with the property that all of its proper subgroups are abelian. Let $N$ be a normal subgroup of $G$. Prove that either $N$ is contained in the center of $G$ or else $G$ has a normal abelian subgroup of prime index.

I think $G$ is solvable. I hope that idea maybe usefull.

Help me some hints.

Thanks a lot.

P/s: This is a question comes from a qualifying exam in Algebra ( Wisconsin August $1979$ )

Best Answer

Or you could argue as follows. Suppose that $N \not \subseteq Z(G)$. Let $M$ be a maximal normal subgroup of $G$ containing $N.$ Then $M = C_{G}(N)$ as $M$ is Abelian and $M$ is proper, but $N \not \subseteq Z(G).$ Then certainly $M = C_{G}(M).$ Hence $M$ is in fact a maximal subgroup of $G,$ for if $M$ is contained in another proper subgroup $H$ of $G$ normal or not) then $H$ s Abelian, so $H \subseteq C_{G}(M) = M$ and $H = M.$ Hence $G/M$ is a simple group (as $M$ is maximal normal) with no proper non-identity subgroup (as $M$ is not contained in any proper subgroup of $G$). But $G/M$ contains a cyclic subgroup of prime order (you don't even need Cauchy's theorem to see this), so $G/M$ is in fact cyclic of prime order.

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