[Math] A finer topology making a connected set disconnected


How to find an example of a topological space $(X,\tau)$ such that it is connected but when we consider a finer topology $\tau^{'}$on the same set $X$,then we get $(X,\tau ^{'})$ to be disconnected?

Best Answer

As Martín-Blas Pérez Pinilla points out in a comment, there is a very easy example. Suppose $\langle X, \tau\rangle$ is connected. Then $\tau$ is a subset of the power set of $X$ by definition, and the power set of $X$ is a topology for $X$, called the discrete topology. It is easy to show that if $X$ is given the discrete topology it is disconnected unless it contains fewer than two points.

I would like to add that there is an important pattern of reasoning here. The question asks you to show that $X$ can become disconnected if we make its topology finer. It should be clear that while making the topology finer can turn a connected space into a disconnected space, the opposite never happens: you cannot turn a disconnected space into a connected space by making the topology finer. This is because $X$ is disconnected if we can find a partition of $X$ into open sets, and if these sets are open in one topology, they are open in a finer topology because this is the definition of “finer”.

So the thing to try is the finest possible topology, and if that topology does not make $X$ disconnected, then nothing can. The finest possible topology is the discrete topology, and that does solve the problem.

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