[Math] a few questions on homeomorphism and continuous surjective mapping


which of the following statements are true?
1.every homeomorphism of the $2$-sphere to itself has a fixed point.
2.the intervals [$0,1$] and ($0,1$) are homeomorphic.
3.there exists a continuous surjective function from $S^1$ onto $\mathbb{R}$.
4.there exists a continuous surjective function from complex plane onto the non-zero reals.

my effort:

1.true as $2$-sphere is a compact set.
3.true as the function $f(α)=re^{|iα|}$ exist.
4. no idea.

can anyone help me please…..

Best Answer

  1. $X$ compact does not imply that every homeomorphism of $X$ with itself has a fixed point. Consider $S^1$ where the homeomorphism is rotation by $\pi/2$. You need a better argument here.

  2. This is incorrect. Hint: think about counting special types of points in $[0,1]$ and $(0,1)$.

  3. Also incorrect. Think about compactness here.

  4. What is the "complane"? If the question is "Is there a surjective continuous mapping from the complex plane to the non-zero reals?", then you should draw pictures of both of these sets and look at them- what property does one have which the other does not? Can you use this?

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