[Math] A contour integral with 3 branch points


I came across an exercise in a textbook that says to evaluate $$ \int_{\frac{-\pi}{2}}^{\frac{\pi}{2}} \cos (ax) \cos^{b} (x) \, dx \, , \quad a > b > -1$$ by integrating $f(z) = z^{a-1} (z+z^{-1})^{b}$ around a contour that consists of the line segment joining the points $i$ and $-i$, along with the right half of the unit circle.

It also says that the contour should be indented at the points $0, i$, and $-i$.

But where should the branch cuts be placed?

Best Answer

All that's happening is that you are avoiding the branch points with your contour so you can apply Cauchy's theorem. You have branch points where the argument any non-integral power is zero, in your case, at $z=0$ and $\pm i$.

Cauchy's theorem states that

$$\oint_C dz \: f(z)=0$$

So the original integral is going to equal the integral along the line joining $i$ to $-i$ plus any contribution from the indentations, if any. Is there any? Let's take the one at $z=i$ Let $z=i + \epsilon e^{i \phi}$ and the contribution is

$$\lim_{\epsilon \rightarrow 0}\: i \epsilon^{1+b} \int_0^{-\pi/2} d \phi \: e^{i (a+b) \phi}$$

This is zero because $-1>b$. (Whew!) Same for the other branch point at $z=-i$.

At $z=0$, we let $z= \epsilon e^{i \phi}$, and we will see that this contribution goes to zero because $a>b$.

So the integral you seek is simply the real part of the integral of $f(z)$ along the straight line from $i$ to $-i$.

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