Continuous Injective Function – Strictly Increasing or Decreasing


I would like to prove the statement in the title.

Proof: We prove that if $f$ is not strictly decreasing, then it must be strictly increasing.
So suppose $x < y$.

And that's pretty much how far I got. Help will be appreciated.

Best Answer

Prove the contrapositive instead: if $f$ is not strictly increasing and not strictly decreasing, then it is not one-to-one.

For example, say there are points $a\lt b\lt c$ such that $f(a)\lt f(b)$ and $f(b)\gt f(c)$. Either $f(a)=f(c)$ (in which case $f$ is not one-to-one), or $f(a)\lt f(c)$, or $f(c)\lt f(a)$.

If $f(a)\lt f(c)\lt f(b)$, then by the Intermediate Value Theorem there exists $d\in (a,b)$ such that $f(d)=f(c)$; hence $f$ is not one-to-one.

Now, there are other possibilities (I made certain assumptions along the way, and you should check what the alternatives are if they are not met).

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