Algebraic Geometry – Connected Complex Algebraic Variety in Usual Topology


Hartshorne wrote in his book's Appendix B that it can be easily proved that a complex algebraic variety is connected in the usual topology if and only if it is connected in Zariski topology.
How can it be proved?

Best Answer

If $X$ is a complex projective algebraic variety, the canonical morphism $$ H^i(X, F)\stackrel {\cong}{\to} H^i(X^{an},F^{an})$$ is an isomorphism of complex finite-dimensional vector spaces for all coherent sheaves on the algebraic variety $X$.
In particular for $i=0$ and $F=\mathcal O_X$ we get an isomorphism $$\Gamma(X, \mathcal O_X) \stackrel {\cong}{\to} \Gamma(X^{an}, \mathcal O_X^{an}) \quad (\bigstar)$$ Now $X$ is connected in the Zariski topology iff the left-hand side has dimension $1$, and similarly $X^{an}$ is connected in the classical topology iff the right-hand side has dimension $1$.
The isomorphism $(\bigstar)$ then implies that$X$ is connected in its Zariski topology iff $X^{an}$ is connected in its classical topology.

The proof only works for projective (or slightly more generally for complete) varieties and uses the full power of GAGA but , hey, who can resist the pleasure of shooting at flies with ballistic missiles?

As an answer to Makoto's comment, in order to prove that on a connected reduced compact analytic space all holomorphic functions $f:X\to \mathbb C$ are constant, it may be amusing in the spirit of nuking mosquitoes to invoke Remmert's theorem according to which $f(X)$ is analytic in $\mathbb C$ , since $f$ is proper. Hence it is a point since it is compact and connected!

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