[Math] A compact Hausdorff space is metrizable if it is locally metrizable


A space $X$ is locally metrizable if each point $x$ of $X$ has a neighborhood that is metrizable in the subspace topology. Show that a compact Hausdorff space $X$ is metrizable if it is locally metrizable.

Hint: Show that $X$ is a finite union of open subspaces, each of which has a countable basis.

I tried to use the fact of compact space. But I do not know if the opens are compact subspaces.

Best Answer

Of course, if $X$ is metrizable then it is also locally metrizable.

For the other direction, you could really follow the hint. Supposed that $X$ is locally metrizable, there exists an open cover $\bigcup_{x\in X}U_x$ of $X$ where $U_x$ is a metrizable neighborhood of $x$. Because of compactness, it has a finite subcover: $\bigcup_{i<n} U_i=X$ where $U_i:=U_{x_i}$ for some $x_i$.

Because of metrizability, each $U_i$ has countable base $(V_{i,j})_j$ of open subsets, so that all finite intersections of these are still countable, and they give a base of $X$.

The space also has to satisfy the separation axiom $T_3$, but this holds as $X$ is Hausdorff and compact.