[Math] A coin flipping game

game theoryprobabilitypuzzle

I've been thinking about the following game for a while and am curious if anyone has any ideas of how to analyze it.

Problem description

Say I have two biased coins: coin 1 that shows heads with probability $p$ and coin 2 that shows heads with probability $q$. You and I both know the statistics of the coins.

The game proceeds in multiple rounds as follows:

  • In the starting round $n=0$:

    • I (privately) pick a coin and flip it, we both observe the outcome
    • you decide to make a guess of which coin I just flipped, or continue watching
    • if you guess correctly, I pay you $\$100$; if you guess incorrectly, you receive no reward and the game is over
  • At each subsequent round $n\ge 1$:

    • I decide to stay with my current coin or reach into my pocket and swap out the current coin for the other coin
    • you can see whether I swapped out the coin or not (assume I must switch if I reach into my pocket)
    • I flip the coin and we both observe the outcome
    • you decide to guess which coin was just flipped, or keep watching
    • if you guess correctly, I pay you $\$100\cdot\delta^n$, where $\delta\in(0,1)$; if you guess incorrectly the game ends with you getting nothing


I want to find the "best" switching strategy to minimize the (expected) amount of money I have to pay you.


The probabilities $p$ and $q$ can take on any value, but let's assume that they cannot be equal.

Since you are trying to maximize your reward, the discount factor $\delta$ incentives you to guess correctly as quickly as possible.

Since there are only two coins and you observe when I switch, you are trying to discern between two possible coin sequences, one where the initial coin was coin 1 and the other where the initial coin was coin 2.

My first thoughts are that I would want to keep the empirical averages (of the two sequences) as close as possible to each other. Intuitively this will be easy if $p$ and $q$ are close, but hard if they are far apart.

Best Answer

Here are solutions for some very special cases. Assume, without loss of generality, that $\ p> q\ $.

If $\ p+q \le 1\ $, and $\ \delta\le \frac{1-q}{2-p-q}\ $, you can keep my expected winnings to at most $\ \frac{100\,(1-q)}{2-p-q}\ $ dollars by choosing coin $1$ with probability $ \frac{1-q}{2-p-q}\ $ and coin $2$ with probability $ \frac{1-p}{2-p-q}\ $. I can ensure that my expected winnings are at least $\ \frac{100\,(1-q)}{2-p-q}\ $ dollars by guessing coin $1$ if the result of the first toss is heads, or coin $1$ with probability $ \frac{1-p-q}{2-p-q}\ $ and coin $2$ with probability $ \frac{1}{2-p-q}\ $ if the result of the first toss is tails. Because I can't win more than $\ 100\,\delta \le \frac{100\,(1-q)}{2-p-q}\ $ dollars by waiting until the next toss, I have nothing to gain by doing so.

If $\ p+q = 1\ $ (and therefore $\ p>\frac{1}{2}\ $, given the above assumption that $\ p>q\ $), and $\ \delta\le p $, you can keep my expected winnings to at most $\ 100\,p\ $ by choosing either coin $1$ or $2$ with probability $\ \frac{1}{2}\ $ each. I can ensure my expected winnings are at least $\ 100\,p\ $ by guessing coin $1$ if the result of the first toss is heads, or coin $2$ if the result of the first toss is tails. Again I can do no better by waiting for the second toss.

If $\ p+q > 1\ $, and $\ \delta\le \frac{p}{p+q}\ $, you can keep my expected winnings to at most $\ \frac{100\,p}{p+q}\ $ by choosing coin $1$ with probability $\ \frac{q}{p+q}\ $ and coin $2$ with probability $\ \frac{p}{p+q}\ $. I can ensure my expected winnings are at least $\ \frac{100\,p}{p+q}\ $ by guessing coin $2$ if the result of the first toss is tails, or coin $1$ with probability $\ \frac{1}{p+q}\ $ and coin $2$ with probability $\ \frac{p+q-1}{p+q}\ $ if the result of the first toss is heads.Once again, I can't do better by waiting for the second toss.