[Math] $A$ be a $10\times 10$ matrix in which each row has exactly one entry equal to 1. find the possible value of the determinant

determinanteigenvalues-eigenvectorslinear algebramatrices

Let $A$ be a $10\times 10$ matrix in which each row has exactly one entry equal to $1$. And remaining nine entries of the row being $0$. Which of the following is not a possible value of the determinant?
$0, 1 ,-1, 10$.
I am able to identify for $2\times 2$ cross two matrices for which possible value of determinant is $1$ or $-1$. How to identify for such a big size matrix? Can we identify such matrix?

Best Answer

Adding or subtracting a row of a matrix from another does not change its determinant, so we may assume each column of the matrix has at most one entry that is 1.

Swapping rows of a matrix changes the sign of the determinant only; so if we perform row swaps so that the resulting matrix is diagonal, we'll have determined the determinant up to a sign.

So now we have a diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries are either 1 or 0. The determinant of this matrix must be $0$ or $1$; and hence, the determinant of the original matrix must be $0$, $1$, or $-1$.

(The $-1$ possibility can arise: start with the identity matrix and interchange the last two rows. The 0 possibility can arise: start with a matrix whose first column is all $1$'s. And, of course, the identity matrix shows that $1$ is a possible value of the determinant.)

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