[Math] A bag contains 4 Black and 3 Red balls, 2 balls are drawn one by one without replacement, what is the probability of both being red

conditional probabilityprobability

I tried searching the internet regarding the third approach i did, but did not find any explanation for the same, here i have tried approaching this problem in 3 different ways.

approach 1:

since two balls are drawn without replacement, this can be treated as

$P (\text{selecting $2$ out of $7$ balls such that both are red})$


approach 2:
$P (\text{select 1 R out of 3R })\times$ $P (\text{select 1 out of 2 remaining R })$

approach 3:

$P (\text{selecting 1 out of 3 R and then 1 out of 2 R balls in the second draw })$

all the above approaches give correct answer, but i am not sure how approach 1 and approach 2 are equivalent,
clearly this is a case of conditional probability without replacement, in the first case, i take 2 balls simultaneously out of 7 and compute probability of both being red, that is same as drawing 2 balls without replacement!
is this the correct way to approach a problem?

in the approach 3 , i tried calculating the sample space where 2 balls are drawn without replacement, where there are four cases:

  • Red in first and Red in second draw
  • Red in first and Black in second draw
  • Black in first and Red in second draw
  • Black in first and Black in second draw

I am quite unsure about the validity of approach 3!
I am not sure if this is the right way to approach a problem.

Best Answer

All $3$ approaches are okay.

Number the red balls by $1,2,3$ and number the black balls by $4,5,6,7$

Then you could say that approach1 is linked with a probability space where: $$\Omega=\{\{i,j\}\mid i,j\in\{1,2,3,4,5,6,7\}\text{ and }i\neq j\}$$

Here $|\Omega|=\binom72=21$ agreeing with the denominator in approach1.

Also you could say that approach3 is linked with a probability space where: $$\Omega=\{\langle i,j\rangle\}\mid i,j\in\{1,2,3,4,5,6,7\}\text{ and }i\neq j\}$$

Here $|\Omega|=7\times6=42$ agreeing with the denominator in approach3.

Concerning approach2 (my favorite) both spaces can be used but actually we do not meet any impact of a choice for a probability space.

If $E_i$ denotes the event that the $i$-th ball is red for $i=1,2$ then we apply:$$P(\text{both balls are red})=P(E_1\cap E_2)=P(E_1)P(E_2\mid E_1)=\frac37\frac26$$

Calculating such probability we are not even aware of any underlying probability space.