[Math] 80 tickets sold, buy 5; probability of winning all 3 prizes


Tegan buys 5 tickets in a raffle in which 80 tickets are sold. There are 3 prizes.
Use a tree diagram to find the probability that Tegan:
a) wins all 3 prizes

I just need help with a)

So this is what I did. Since there are three prizes, I divided (80 / 2).

I then did (5 / (80 / 3)) + (4 / (79/3)…etc until one ticket was left but my answer was off..help pls

Best Answer

For the first prize, you have a 5/80 probability of winning. For the second prize, you have 4/79 probability. For the last prize, you have 3/78. Since all of these actions have to occur, multiply the probabilities to get 60/492960. Simplify and you get 1/8216.

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