[Math] 5 People roll a dice and flip a coin: number of possible outcomes


Each of 5 people flip a coin and roll a dice (six sides). Find the number of possible combinations.


I know the total number of possibilities equates to $6 \times 2$ because the dice has 6 options, and the coin has 2 options. As a result we have 12 different options for one instance of this.

However 5 people are doing this. So our number of total combinations increases greatly!

As a result, I am most confident that the number of combinations is now $12^5$, however, I am unsure of how to find "specific" results such as though asked below. Any guidance into a direction would be greatly appreciated.

  • How many outcomes are in the event where nobody rolls a six?

  • How many outcomes are in the event where at least one person rolls a six?

Best Answer

** How many outcomes are in the event where nobody rolls a six? If they can't roll a six, there are 5 other numbers to roll, and either coin-flip is still allowed. So each person has $2\times 5=10$ possible outcomes. Since there are 5 people, there are $10^5$ possible outcomes.

** How many outcomes are in the event where at least one person rolls a six? Well, either there are no sixes rolled or at least one person rolls a six, so this result is the difference of your answer and the answer above $12^5 - 10^5$.