[Math] 4 people apply for 3 jobs; what’s the probability that I will get a job


There are 4 people being interviewed for a job, one of them being me. There are 3 jobs. What is the probability of me getting a job? I think it's 75%.

Best Answer

This is not really a probability question as your ability to do the job and your ability to sell yourself at the interview will take part.

For example if you call you prospective new boss a moron the probability of getting the job is going to be close to zero.

If one or more of the other applicants insults the new boss and you don't then the probability of you getting the job will be higher.

But, If we assume the interview is not taken into account and the new employees are chosen at random then yes the probability would be $\frac{3}{4}$ or 75%.

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