[Math] $3\times 3$ Orthogonal Matrices with an Analysis of Eigenvalues

linear algebralinear-transformations

It is said that one can prove that all 3×3 orthogonal matrices correspond to linear operators on $R^3$ of the following types:

  1. Rotations about lines through he origin
  2. Reflections about planes through the origin
  3. A rotation about a line through the origin followed by a reflection about the plane through the origin that is perpendicular to the line

Obviously, we can tell whether a 2×2 matrix $A$ represents a rotation or reflection by looking at its determinant: that is, a rotation if $det(A)=1$ and a reflection if $det(A)=-1$. But for a 3×3 matrix, this is different. My textbook says that if $det(A)=1$, it is a rotation. If $det(A)=-1$, it is either of type 2 or 3.

My question is: How to tell whether a 3×3 orthogonal matrix with determinant $-1$ represents a type 2 or a type 3 ? I heard that this has to do with an analysis of eigenvectors and eigenvalus, but could anyone shed some light on this please?

For example, how can one tell whether the following operator is of type 2 or type 3? (Actually I was quite sure, as I "invented" it, if no mistake, that the following linear operator is neither a rotation, nor a reflection$-$it is of type 3.)
\frac{1}{3} & 0 & \frac{4\sqrt{2}}{6} \\
\frac{2}{3} & \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} & \frac{-\sqrt{2}}{6} \\
\frac{2}{3} & \frac{-1}{\sqrt{2}} & \frac{-\sqrt{2}}{6} \\

Best Answer

Eigenvalues (or strictly speaking, eigendecomposition) can be used to establish the fact that the three listed cases are the only possible ones. They are not necessary in differentiating type 2 and type 3 matrices.

If $A$ is a reflection about a plane through the origin, then by applying $A$ again, the reflected image will be reflected back to its original. Therefore $A^2=I$.

If $A$ is a rotation followed by a reflection through the rotation plane, pick any vector $u$ that has a nonzero component on the plane of rotation (i.e. pick any $u$ whose orthogonal projection on the rotation plane is nonzero). Decompose $u$ into the sum $v+w$, where $v$ lies on the plane of rotation and $w$ is parallel to the rotation axis (and hence orthogonal to $v$. Then $A^2u=A^2v+w$. When the angle of rotation is not an odd multiple of $\pi$, we have $A^2v\ne v$ and hence $A^2u\ne u$ and hence $A^2\ne I$. When the angle of rotation is an odd multiple of $\pi$, we get $A=-I$.

Therefore, when $A$ is real orthogonal and $\det A=-1$, it is of type 2 if and only if $A^2=I$ and $A\ne-I$, and it is of type 3 if and only if $A^2\ne I$ or $A=-I$.

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