[Math] 3rd Order Runge-Kutta Matlab

MATLABnumerical methodsrunge-kutta-methods

I'm trying to create a Matlab function to use a matrix form of the 3rd order Runge-Kutta algorithm. I have working code to use the standard RK3 algorithm but I'm struggling to understand how to handle a system of equations. Here is the exact question:

enter image description here

Here is the information I was provided, but I don't understand how to find b or how to implement it as a function handle in Matlab. Can someone give me a few pointers please?

enter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

The cited method is slightly wrong. The correct method has the Butcher tableau (see, for instance, the slide of 3rd order methods in https://www.math.auckland.ac.nz/~butcher/ODE-book-2008/Tutorials/low-order-RK.pdf) \begin{array}{c|ccc} 0\\ 1&1\\ \frac12&\frac14&\frac14\\ \hline &\frac16&\frac16&\frac23 \end{array} which can be implemented (quite redundantly) as \begin{align} &&&&k_1&=f(x,y)\\ y^{(1)}&=y+hk_1&&=y+hf(x,y)& k_2&=f(x+h,y^{(1)})\\ y^{(2)}&=y+\tfrac14hk_1+\tfrac14hk_2&&=\tfrac34y+\tfrac14y^{(1)}+\tfrac14hf(x+h,y^{(1)})& k_3&=f(x+\tfrac12h,y^{(2)})\\ y_+&=y+h(\tfrac16k_1+\tfrac16k_2+\tfrac23k_3)&&=\tfrac13y+\tfrac23y^{(2)}+\tfrac23hf(x+\tfrac12h,y^{(2)}) \end{align}

Thus in the formula for $y_{n+1}$ there is a factor $\frac12$ missing in $b(x_n+\frac12h)$. This error will reduce the order of the method, most likely to order $1$ in the case where the inhomogeneity $b$ is not constant.

As to your question, you define

function b = bvector(x)
    // b components = functions of x

(1/20/17, moved up from comments from 11/17/15) In the first order linear ODE $y'(x)−Ay(x)=b(x)$, the vector b(x) is the inhomogeneity. As the example is homogeneous, you simply get b=[ 0; 0]. It is there just to have more generality in the problem class you can solve.

Final comment: Stability demands that $λh∈[−2.51,0]$ for all (real) eigenvalues $λ$ of $A$, the stability region in the left half plane of the complex plane is more complicated than just a circle or rectangle over that interval, but that should give an idea. In the example, this severely restricts the step size as there is one eigenvalue $λ=-1000$.