[Math] 3D line in a 3D plane. Find the intersection of the two.

algebra-precalculusanalytic geometrycalculuseuclidean-geometry

(I'm new to Math.StackExchange, so if you see any errors, please comment below!)

$\mathcal{P}$ is the plane containing the three points $(-3,4,-2)$, $(1,4,0)$, and $(3,2,-1)$.
$\ell$ is the line containing the two points $(2, 4, -3)$ and $(-1, -1, -9)$.
What is the intersection of plane $\mathcal{P}$ and line $\ell$?

I honestly have no clue how to solve this, or even where to start. Starter hints would be nice.

Much appreciated.

Best Answer

Find an equation of the plane, and one of the line.

  • Plane:

$V_1 := (4,0,2)$ and $V_2 := (-2,2,1)$ are two linearly independent vectors in $P$, so $N := V_1 \times V_2 = (-4,-8,8)$ is a normal vector to $P$. Let $n = (1,2,-2)$ (just for simplicity). Then $n$ is also a normal to $P$, and $P$'s equation is given by:

$$n \cdot (x - 1, y-4, z) = 0$$


$$ P: x + 2y -2z = 9$$

  • Line:

$U:= (3,5,6)$ is a direction vector of $\ell$, and $\ell$ passes through $A:= (2,4,-3)$. We know:

$$\ell : \begin{cases} x = x_A + x_U t \\ y = y_A + y_U t \\ z = z_A + z_U t \end{cases}$$


$$\ell : \begin{cases} x= 3t + 2 \\ y = 5t + 4 \\ z = 6t - 3 \end{cases}$$

Let $M=(a,b,c)$ be the intersection point between $P$ and $\ell$. $M$ satisfies the equations of each: $P$ and $\ell$, so that for some $t$: $a= 3t + 2$, $b= 5t + 4$ and $c = 6t -3$, and $a+2b -2c = 9$. Hence, $3t + 2 + 10t + 8 -12t + 6 = 9$, so $t = -7$.

Therefore, $M = (-19, -31, -45)$.